I have loved fashion and strength simultaneously, my entire life. However, I learned at a young age that “fashion” has not loved the strength of a woman’s body but instead has pushed the image of skinny glamour. I am here to change that, because I believe the two combined are even more glamorous.
From four years old, I strictly wore a little red lace dress, while building dirt cities with my brothers’ dozers. At eleven, I played football with the boys in the most girlish pink getups they would allow on the field. Also, at eleven, I began to run two miles every day and I became totally devoted to the discipline required. At the same age, I was introduced to fashion by my grandmother. I studied Vogue as if I would be accepted into the college of my dreams purely on my knowledge of its contents. This is where my love of fashion and fitness began to collide and my many years’ battle with eating disorders began.
I was training at a collegiate level by sixteen, adamant I’d run long distance division-one but with all that training and miles I had developed quads, muscles… and my “precious-saved-up-for designer clothes” didn’t fit right. The waist of my slacks became too big while the legs fit too snugly. I began to cut out my food. By college I had a full-blown eating disorder.
I did run at a division-one school but my obsession with “fashion” and being fashionable fed my disorder and resulted in surgeries and the end of my career.

Multiple times I repeated these mistakes throughout the years until I picked up weights and trained for my first bikini bodybuilding show. Contrary to widespread belief, this helped my eating disorder and body image. I learned to eat to fuel and love my muscles.
As a wife and mother of two boys, I now embrace multiple styles of fitness: hiking, weights, Pilates, running, and biking. I no longer have an eating disorder. I no longer agree with the “fashion” dished to us. Most importantly, I do not believe you have to pick between fashion and fitness. The two are far more glamorous together.
These are the reasons behind Rachel Erin. I never want a fit woman to put on something that she loves and be thrown back to that teenage girl that thought she was “fat” or that something was wrong with her because it did not fit her like the twig model displaying it. Hard earned muscles, like quads and hamstrings, which make your pants snug, shoulders that make your shirt a little too tight… these are things that make you even more glamorous. Being strong is feminine. Femininity and strength are true glamour.
Embrace the muscles you worked so hard for!
Rachel Erin

how itstarted

Creating the highest quality suiting in the most efficient manner for the most defined feminine bodies. Our suiting is created to move with a body that prides itself on movement.
We are made in the USA supporting our country and our country’s businesses. We believe in growth and improvement of our economy and customers.
Self-improvement, mental and physical strength and the embrace of your femininity as a strength.
We greatly value the importance of setting good examples for women of all ages and will do our upmost to uphold the highest standards and content. We look forward to expanding our outreach and brand with likeminded women.
We know that continually improving one’s self, physically and mentally, only adds to one’s life. Therefore, we encourage growth in both areas and look forward to creating a community based on these values.
We value our customers and our employees. We know what makes us succeed and that is great people and loyal customers. We do not take the support of either lightly and are devoted to the growth of mindset, along with physical growth of both.
We believe in supporting our country and communities. Creating jobs and supporting a growing economy is very important to use. We look forward to expanding our teams and impact as we grow.

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